The best way to perform carpet repair will largely depend on the kind of damage in need of a repair. Spot fixes can be acquired for the like of burns, stains, or frayed edges. A complete replacement of any pieces which have been damaged can be done using carpet remnants. Household products like scissors, bleach, and liquid laundry detergent, can often be used to repair damaged carpets. By first determine the damage to the carpet, you will then be able to choose the best way to repair it…
Stains are probably the most regular problem when it comes to carpets. Various products are available that will help to clear these stains, however, there are a few home remedies you can try too, ranging from water, detergent, and even bleach to remove stains. Care, however, needs to be taken when treating stains so they are not made worse.
Fraying is often another problem which can call for carpet repair. It is possible to stop any more fraying with the aid of an upholstery needle and matching yarn. This is done by sewing a seam next to the fraying portion, this could stop the fray from going any further, remember to use small stitches as this will help to hide the seam.
There will be times, however, when carpet damage goes so deep that it will not be possible to spot treat it. Fortunately, repair methods now exist which will deal with this kind of damage. The first thing you need to do to perform the kind of repair is a remnant of your carpet. Often, in newer homes, the will come with some carpet remnants. However, should this not be the case, try cutting away a small portion of your carpet from an area which is inconspicuous, like under a piece of furniture or in a closet.
If you would like to know more about our repair service and how we can help you, call Coast Chem Dry in Ocean Springs, MS today on (228) 872-4363.
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